Color/21.1×19.3cm/Gatefolded(Overlap) cover/40p/English(日本語訳つき)
This place is a new industrial estate and its adjacent "new town" in Thailand.
People call this town Amata Nakorn, "Eternal City," but it does not exist as an official division. I have photographed the people who live there in their private rooms.
Their appearances and personal spaces reveal their nature. Their nature is also the nature of this place, and a part of modern Thailand,
- 西川善康「マチハニワ|城市即是花園 2305/2310」/ NISHIKAWA Yoshiyasu “Garden within the City 2305/2310”
- ¥1,000
- 西川善康「マチハニワ|城市即是花園」(第2版)/ NISHIKAWA Yoshiyasu “Garden within the City” (2nd edition)
- ¥1,000
- 早川知芳 galleryMain×gallery 176交流展記念冊子 「都市風景 アーバンランドスケープ」
- ¥1,320
- 友長勇介・西川善康「input x output」(第2版)/ TOMONAGA Yusuke, NISHIKAWA Yoshiyasu “input x output” (2nd edition)
- ¥1,000
- ¥1,500
- 友長勇介・西川善康「input x output 2」/ TOMONAGA Yusuke, NISHIKAWA Yoshiyasu “input x output 2”
- ¥1,200